How to Decide When to End Your Career

Mar 27, 2021

Enlightened Visions - Florida; 2010

How to Take Solid Steps Along Your Path

The end of our careers is one of the most significant events of our lifetime that marks the beginning of the next phase of our lives.

Whether you are looking forward to it or not, the process of creating plans and executing them is marked with challenges and preoccupations.

It’s all worth it, as you envision and create realities that are the core of the new phase of your life.

Challenges and Opportunities

My personal experience, as well as guiding others as a consultant/coach, has reaffirmed certain challenges that must be recognized and managed effectively in a logical, sequential manner. This goes a long way to banish the stress of the unknown and help make the process a more positive experience.

So, what are these challenges and related questions?

First Things Should Not Always Be First

The first thing that most individuals naturally think about is their projected end date.

Then, there follows the...

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Why is the Word "Retirement" Used to Describe Your End of Career?

Nov 22, 2020

Sunset or Sunrise? - Florida Splendor, 2008

© Enrique Fernandez, M. D.

How the Unnatural Origin of Words Render Them Meaningless

The purpose of language is to communicate ideas effectively. The use of words best serves that goal when their meaning accurately describes reality. Throughout millennia, mankind has strived to deal with the successes and failures of communication.

One example of the inexact use of words is the term “retirement.”

My Encounter With “Retirement”

For many years I used that term as commonly used in the United States. That is, until the time came that I faced the unexpected end of my career as a Plastic Surgeon.

The diagnosis of cancer, its treatment and aftermath had a way of broadening my perspective about life. This was a vivid example. The good news, is that am cured, healthy and well!

Questions as Teachers

Questions and answers have a way of broadening one’s perspective. Questions like Why and What?

You ask yourself...

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Leading Toward the Future by Stepping Aside

Oct 31, 2020

Towering Cornerstone

Mt. Moran, Grand Teton N. P. , 2010

The Role of Leader: the Beginning and the End

It is natural and therefore common to ascribe exceptional leadership skills to a visionary leader who has visibly manifested those attributes in the course of actively leading. Usually, the role of leader has occurred over a prolonged period of time and those qualities have been witnessed repeatedly.

 Usually, such a leader has had a significant positive impact on the organization and its members.

 In particular, he probably  has had a respectable influence on the development of younger, emerging leaders.

 To Do or Not To Do

I believe that in matters of leadership, as in so many areas of life, what we determine we should not do can be as important and sometimes more impactful, than what we choose to do.

The key to achieving a constructive outcome, is the rationale and the implementation of such decisions.

That rationale, in turn, most nobly originates when it is...

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Your Purpose: The Enduring Guide of Your Life

Jun 06, 2020

J. P. Cunningham Cabin - Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming 

 Its Lasting Value Requires Your Clarity and Conviction

Your life’s purpose is an expression of your character. It does not need to be found; it is already within you.

Clarity of your purpose guides your deliberate decisions as to how you will manifest it…throughout your lifetime.

Clear Questions, Fuzzy Answers

I have the privilege of serving individuals from many walks of life. A significant number are highly trained and experienced in their respective fields. It is my observation that each usually believes that they know both their character and purpose…their Who and Why.

Yet, as these topics are discussed more deeply, it becomes evident to them and me that what seemed clear is really somewhat opaque.

The Ambiguous Lens of Introspection

A major personal impediment to clarity that is critical to developing a holistic understanding of oneself is this:

The common misconception that your...

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Crisis: The Unpredictable Genesis of Leaders

May 02, 2020

Enduring Character - El Capitan Monolith, Yosemite National Park

Character, Purpose and Leadership

Great, existential challenges have a remarkable way of evoking different reactions from individuals with diverse personalities. One aspect of this, is that the responses range from cowering fear to towering bravery. The latter is witnessed in men known for their genuine boldness as well as the man who has been perceived as quietly meek.

It is this seemingly outward meekness that is often misunderstood for a quiet, steadfast resolve.

Who Are These Leaders?

Exemplary leaders may be found at a humble home, small and large businesses, hospitals, churches and government bodies. The list is virtually endless.

Some have a long record of leadership service; others seem to arise out of nowhere to meet the challenge they are confronted with. Perhaps you, as I:

  • Have witnessed the behavior of individuals in the face of crisis.
  • Have witnessed the usually, boldly verbose remain uncharacteristically...
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Do You Think of Your End of Career as a Retirement or Transition?

Apr 04, 2020

Morphing and Maturing Manifest - Blue Morpho (Morpho peleides)

Butterfly Rainforest, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fl

The Language You Use to Describe it Can Affect Your Perspective

The end of your career is one of the most significant events of your life. It is a time when you may feel joy, pride, regret, uncertainty, excitement and many other feelings that are unique to each individual.

You may be looking forward to this new phase of your life with stressful uncertainty or joyful  anticipation.  I find that, as it is for others, it is also a time when you may experience a sense of loss of what you are leaving behind.

An optimistic view is that this is a moment of your life that presents you with the opportunity for personal achievement manifested as renewal and ongoing fulfillment.

My Life and Lessons

I have experienced precisely those feelings and much more.

My life experience includes three lessons and observations.

One, is my own end of career Transition. It was...

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What is Your Personal Board of Directors?

Feb 15, 2020

Authentic Reflections Upon Ourselves - Tufas, Mono Lake, California

Your Board Can Help You Achieve Personal and Professional Success

When people think about their personal and professional development, there is usually a profound awareness that it is largely the result of their own effort. Further consideration leads to the recognition of those persons that cared about their well-being, who taught and mentored them.

Personal guides that influence people’s lives are personified by parents, family, teachers, coaches, professors and mentors. Sometimes you may learn pearls of wisdom from those you barely know. There are times when your other best friend, a book, illuminates your life.

My Giants and Gratitude

I have benefitted immensely from all of the above, initially during my lengthy, formal education. I recognized early on the enormous value they bestowed upon me and I thanked them accordingly. As time progressed, I felt more deeply than ever gratitude for those who cared for...

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When Should I “Retire” From My Career?

Feb 13, 2020

Rejoice! Dreams on a Blank Sky

It is Essential to First Create a Plan that Provides the Basis for the Date

For most individuals the end of their career, whether relatively early in life or later, is an event they really look forward to. It is a time of joyful anticipation. It is the opportunity for you to create and begin a new life experience. That new life is the manifestation of hopes and dreams delayed. Yet, as it happens with major life events, there are important questions that must be answered.

A very common concern for those that are beginning to envision their future end of career is the need to answer the question: “When?” Whether you are happy and fulfilled with your career experience or not, preoccupation with this and many other questions often abound. These concerns are widespread across vocations and professions.

Particularly for those who are goal oriented, the search for the answer can be very consuming of time and energy. It may tax your emotional...

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End of Career Transition: the Process, its Purpose and You

Feb 03, 2020

Clarity, Conviction and Courage: Stability Amidst Change

West Fork, Carson River - 2013

Three Distinct Phases of Transition You Will Likely Experience

There are two words that are sometimes used interchangeably when considering the end of career as though they have the same meaning: change and transition. However, these two words have different meanings. They are not the same thing and what they describe have distinctly different purposes.

What I Learned in My Journey

My personal experience with change and transition illustrates this point. Years ago, I was diagnosed with colon cancer and then developed other medical problems. Together they created a change that ended my plastic surgery career and triggered my end of career Transition. Thankfully, years later I am cured, renewed and fulfilled in my new career.

My end of career Transition did not occur by chance. It was the result of sustained, focused and deliberate effort over a period of time.  That effort was directed at a...

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The Ongoing Personal Need for Relevance...

Jan 25, 2020

Rejoice in Transition - Sierra Nevada

An Unspoken but Common Impediment to Ending Your Career.

The anticipation and the actual experience of the end of one’s career is a major life Transition. It will present you with additional, unfamiliar challenges unrelated to financial concerns. There are a myriad of matters and problems that will require your attention. In the past, the challenge was magnified by the lack of means to learn and prepare for your end of career in a deliberate, comprehensive manner.

Some of the problems are obvious to most of us, others are not. Yet, they are profound, often unspoken and commonly experienced.

Reasons I Frequently Encounter

I serve as a professional consultant and coach to medical professional and other highly accomplished individuals concerning their end of career Transition. I know there are obstacles that prevent individuals from exercising the opportunity to end their career and Transition to the next phase of their lives. These are...

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